Amazingly the midterm season is here already and I'm prepping
like a mad woman.
I'm taking Public Opinion right now and I am learning such fascinating things that I just have to share.
So take a seat, class is in session!
I'm taking Public Opinion right now and I am learning such fascinating things that I just have to share.
So take a seat, class is in session!
region of the U.S. has distinctive perspectives, attitudes and personalities.
But how did we get like this? Has it always been like this? We've been
discussing The American Nations by Colin Woodward and his
theory reveals what makes the regions of the U.S. the distinctive regions that
we know today.
One of the first regions we discussed is what Woodward calls
"Yankeedom". Yankeedom consists of much of the NorthEast
(pictured) as well as Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Founded by radical
Calvinists (Puritans), residents of Yankeedom have the highest trust in the
government as well as the highest rate of voter turnout. Education and literacy
has been a key value in society since the colonization and expansionist ideals
took place here.