
Introducing My 100 in 1001!

I've seen these todo lists, 100 thing in 1001 days, and I thought well why not try something like that starting in 2014. My list has a variety of different things to try ranging from "play with a puppy" to "fall in love" and everything in between. 

My start date: Today (January 4th 2014)
My end date: October 1st 2016 (that seems like ages away)
So without further ado, here is my 100 in 1001

  1. Come up with 101 things to do (1/4/2014)
  2. Inspire someone else to do the same
  3. Go 21 days without picking my nails
  4. Get a Writing focused internship summer of 2014
  5. Complete the Blogilates 12 week workout challenge
  6. Eat a salad once a day for 21 days
  7. Drink 5 bottles of water for 21 days
  8. Travel to a new country
  9. Travel to a new state
  10. Whiten my teeth
  11. Floss everyday for 21 days
  12. Donate blood
  13. Learn blood type
  14. Don't take out money from savings for 2 months
  15. Make photo book of Study Abroad from Artifact Uprising
  16. Buy a piece of art or photography
  17. Watch 10 TED talks
  18. Complete Duolingos in German and Spanish
  19. Attend 3 concerts
  20. Complete more than 10 community service hours
  21. Try a Spin class
  22. Watch the sunrise with someone
  23. Only eat in the dining hall for a week
  24. Clean out my school email
  25. Visit 10 museums
  26. Make my bed for 1 week straight
  27. Make and give out 10 homeless helper bags
  28. Keep my desk clutter free for 1 week
  29. Run a mile without stopping
  30. Go on a hike
  31. Clean out closet at home and at school
  32. Attend an open-mic night
  33. Knit something
  34. Leave an 100% tip
  35. Complete 5 Barre workouts
  36. Learn to French Braid
  37. Comment on 1 blog every day for 1 month
  38. Talk/Text/Email my grandma at least once a month for a year
  39. Learn how to play chess
  40. Wear sunscreen every day for a month
  41. Go on a date
  42. Go without Diet Coke or Redbull for 2 weeks
  43. See a movie at the drive-in
  44. Send my mom and dad flowers (or a gift) at work
  45. Go to a sports event for a pro-team or a college team other than my own
  46. Figure out if I wanna go to Law school or Grad school or neither
  47. Take a cooking class
  48. Write a guest post for another blog
  49. Try and blog 5 pinterest recipes
  50. Try an unusual/trendy workout class
  51. Do a giveaway on the blog
  52. Watch The West Wing
  53. Talk to a stranger
  54. Say yes to 5 things I typically wouldn't say yes to
  55. Take the GRE/LSAT
  56. Read 30 books in a year
  57. Have my photo taken for the blog
  58. Attend a networking event
  59. Reach out to 10 people on PPS twitter
  60. Figure out my blogging routine
  61. Read a book about blogging (doesn't count for the 30)
  62. Try Intermittent Fasting for a week
  63. Attend a lecture/speaker event
  64. Try a new restaurant in both TX and NJ
  65. Go on a juice cleanse
  66. Blog at least 75% of the things accomplished from this list
  67. Get a Birthday calendar and write friend's names down
  68. Turn 21!
  69. Join the Junior League
  70. Buy a bottle of Champagne on my 21st to save for my first promotion
  71. Get 200 followers on Tumblr (Sometime in February)
  72. Open a cookbook to a random page and COOK!
  73. See a show at the MET
  74. Donate books I don't read anymore
  75. Write down my favorite places and memories of Study Abroad
  76. Find a church I actually like
  77. Go to the zoo
  78. Don't complain about winter weather for 1 month
  79. Make a gingerbread house
  80. Wear my Jimmy Choos
  81. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
  82. Donate 10 dollars for every task not completed
  83. Give up carbs for week
  84. Go to bed at 11pm every day for a week
  85. Wake up at 6am every day for a week
  86. Get an emergency car kit
  87. Join a "Young Patron's" group at a museum
  88. Get a flu shot
  89. Convince parents to get a family portrait taken
  90. Keep a jar with great moments of the year to be read on the next NYE
  91. Surprise 5 friends with homemade treats
  92. Go on an informational interview
  93. Find a mentor
  94. Get my first "real" job
  95. Play with a puppy
  96. Figure out how to do my hair in an "everyday yet professional" style
  97. Order the bar's house drink at 10 different bars
  98. Fall in love
  99. Graduate
  100. Move into my first place

Do you have a 100 in 1001 list? What's something you want to do?