I've seen these todo lists, 100 thing in 1001 days, and I thought well why not try something like that starting in 2014. My list has a variety of different things to try ranging from "play with a puppy" to "fall in love" and everything in between.
My start date: Today (January 4th 2014)
My end date: October 1st 2016 (that seems like ages away)
So without further ado, here is my 100 in 1001
Come up with 101 things to do(1/4/2014)- Inspire someone else to do the same
- Go 21 days without picking my nails
Get a Writing focused internship summer of 2014- Complete the Blogilates 12 week workout challenge
- Eat a salad once a day for 21 days
- Drink 5 bottles of water for 21 days
- Travel to a new country
- Travel to a new state
- Whiten my teeth
- Floss everyday for 21 days
- Donate blood
- Learn blood type
- Don't take out money from savings for 2 months
- Make photo book of Study Abroad from Artifact Uprising
- Buy a piece of art or photography
- Watch 10 TED talks
- Complete Duolingos in German and Spanish
- Attend 3 concerts
- Complete more than 10 community service hours
- Try a Spin class
- Watch the sunrise with someone
- Only eat in the dining hall for a week
- Clean out my school email
- Visit 10 museums
- Make my bed for 1 week straight
- Make and give out 10 homeless helper bags
- Keep my desk clutter free for 1 week
Run a mile without stopping- Go on a hike
- Clean out closet at home and at school
- Attend an open-mic night
- Knit something
- Leave an 100% tip
- Complete 5 Barre workouts
- Learn to French Braid
- Comment on 1 blog every day for 1 month
- Talk/Text/Email my grandma at least once a month for a year
- Learn how to play chess
- Wear sunscreen every day for a month
- Go on a date
- Go without Diet Coke or Redbull for 2 weeks
- See a movie at the drive-in
- Send my mom and dad flowers (or a gift) at work
- Go to a sports event for a pro-team or a college team other than my own
- Figure out if I wanna go to Law school or Grad school or neither
- Take a cooking class
- Write a guest post for another blog
- Try and blog 5 pinterest recipes
- Try an unusual/trendy workout class
- Do a giveaway on the blog
- Watch The West Wing
Talk to a stranger- Say yes to 5 things I typically wouldn't say yes to
- Take the GRE/LSAT
- Read 30 books in a year
- Have my photo taken for the blog
- Attend a networking event
- Reach out to 10 people on PPS twitter
- Figure out my blogging routine
- Read a book about blogging (doesn't count for the 30)
- Try Intermittent Fasting for a week
- Attend a lecture/speaker event
- Try a new restaurant in both TX and NJ
- Go on a juice cleanse
- Blog at least 75% of the things accomplished from this list
Get a Birthday calendar and write friend's names down- Turn 21!
- Join the Junior League
- Buy a bottle of Champagne on my 21st to save for my first promotion
Get 200 followers on Tumblr (Sometime in February)- Open a cookbook to a random page and COOK!
- See a show at the MET
- Donate books I don't read anymore
- Write down my favorite places and memories of Study Abroad
- Find a church I actually like
- Go to the zoo
- Don't complain about winter weather for 1 month
- Make a gingerbread house
- Wear my Jimmy Choos
- Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
- Donate 10 dollars for every task not completed
- Give up carbs for week
- Go to bed at 11pm every day for a week
- Wake up at 6am every day for a week
- Get an emergency car kit
- Join a "Young Patron's" group at a museum
- Get a flu shot
- Convince parents to get a family portrait taken
- Keep a jar with great moments of the year to be read on the next NYE
- Surprise 5 friends with homemade treats
- Go on an informational interview
- Find a mentor
- Get my first "real" job
- Play with a puppy
- Figure out how to do my hair in an "everyday yet professional" style
- Order the bar's house drink at 10 different bars
- Fall in love
- Graduate
- Move into my first place
Do you have a 100 in 1001 list? What's something you want to do?
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