
Why We Need #WIP

Yeah! You know me!

In case you don't know what #WIP is, let me bring you up to speed
#WIP stands for Women In Politics
and believe me we all need that
If you're a man, a woman, transgender, somewhere on the gender spectrum
We all need #WIP

And here is why you should be down with #WIP
Women are one of the most underrepresented groups in America.
Women only represent 18.5% of US Congress

Did you know:
According to American University, women are much less likely than men to think they are qualified to run for office and women are less likely than men to receive the suggestion to run for office – from anyone.

Even though we may be underrepresented, we still contribute a ton
including how men vote. According to the sibling gender effect, boys who have sisters are more likely to be republicans than boys who don’t have sisters.

Women, on average, value economic security over all other things; this is something that can be determined by politics, yet women don't seem to participate.

So now let me ask you:
Is there any reason you aren't down with #WIP?

Tweet: "I'm down with #WIP" so we can start a movement and show that we want and need more #WIP in our lives


Off the Map: Exploring Uncharted Areas of Life

I've been trying a lot of new things this weekend: running outside, a new church (probably not going back) and a new-ish way to get to New York. And while trying all of these experiences, I kept calling back to my past, and how much I miss it. 

I miss running on the high-tech Curve treadmills at the gym at school; I miss going to my campus ministry for spiritual guidance. I even miss the PATH train, which was the bane of my existence last summer. I missed it all.

I'll be the first person to tell you I am a creature of habit. I seek comfort in the same, the everyday and new experiences aren't always that fun for me. And I know some of you feel the same.

Despite all my wishing to be back at school, at student ministry or on the PATH, I know that some of the best things happen in unfamiliar territory. That's where I found my amazing study abroad experiences and got to meet people that I still know and love. At one point even the things I know as familiar (treadmill, ministry, PATH) were scary and new and unfamiliar. 

So as I navigate this summer and the upcoming fall, dealing with exploring all kinds of uncharted territories, I have to remember that just because it's new, doesn't mean it's bad, and just because it's an uncharted area of life, doesn't mean I can't explore.


Attention Seekers: Natalia Kills

via MTV
via poponandon 

Okay in my absence I've totally become obsessed with Natalia Kills. I know Iggy Azalea is so hot right now but Natalia Kills is next. Mixing pop with elements of rock and rap, Natalia Kills is a double threat--her songs and her style. At first I was put off by her intense bangs and overall pension for black clothes  (I love me some black too but her's borders on gothic) but after listening to some tracks all I have to say is that she is got my attention. 
Listen to some of her songs while perusing her killer fashion choices:



Update on 1001 in 100: Summer Plans

Now don't think I forgot about my 1001 in 100
I've got updates on update for y'all, but I'll start at the top
I've gotten an internship!
Well I got an internship back on Spring Break when I was in California with the company I had been interviewing with for ages. I will be writing and running their marketing all summer which is going to be so great. I get class credit for it, plus I got an internship scholarship so I'm basically getting paid to get credit, how cool is that?

I start work on Tuesday, so I'll find out then if I can talk about where I'm working. Last summer with the campaigns I couldn't say where I was working, what I was doing or who I was working for....maybe this summer it can be less secretive.

But for the rest of the summer I expect to be plugged in, on that social medial grind. I can't wait to tell y'all how my first day goes! Cheers to accomplishing a goal!



Bring it All Back Now

Well hey there friends!
I'm bringing back Pearls & Political Science

Since I've been gone
Completed Junior year 
Rocked my finals (4 As and 1 A- ain't bad)
Got an internship in marketing
Started Running
Met some amazing people

And the world:
Has been through a lot.

I'm so excited to come back to y'all and share what's going on in my world
For the rest of 2014, here is the motto for Pearls & Political Science
