
Something Unexpected

Summer is a weird time for a college student. You are back home but you just want to be at school; especially if you have a job. I would like nothing more than to be back on campus to see friends, go to class (seriously) and go out. Even though I'm working in NYC, after work everyday (I usually end by 8 or 9pm) all I want to do is sleep, not go out. 

Last night however was something a little different. I went out for dinner with some girl friends from high school and it was a blast. A) We ran into Cameron Diaz. Amazing! She is so pretty in real life. Just stunning. Can I have her skin and body please? And while that was cool and fun, the magic didn't happen until I boarded the PATH train home.

There was a Wall Street kid on the train and we kept making eye contact and smiling--the typically flirty things strangers do. 30 minutes of making eyes at each other later, I got off the train and he tapped me on the shoulder. "Do you have any gum?" was his line of choice.  I smiled and confessed that I didn't and that I was so sorry because if I did I would've given him some. I smiled, wished him a good night and walked away (I wish I hadn't but I was just too tired to play).

I know this sounds super lame but it was a great thing for me to see that magic can happen away from campus and in day to day life. Nothing breaks up the doldrums of intern life quite like something a little unexpected.