
My Someday Home

Like most girls my age, I'm low-key in love with Pinterest. Organizing + Planning for the future= perfect for a Type A girl like me. One thing I really love is looking at homes and rooms, hoping that someday, something like that could be mine. Call it a "Someday Home", "A Dream Home" or a wish, it's still just nice to think about, especially when I'm sitting in my tiny dorm room in the sorority house, wishing for a double bed and a private bathroom. 
Here are some of my recent faves

...just perfect...

Wouldn't you just love to curl up
in that nook and read all day?

Love those wood floors!

I just love the bright colors!

All of these images can be found on my Pinterest. I definitely need to figure out my style, but I still have a long time until I have a place of my own.



Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

This is such a gorgeous home!!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings