
All Things Evernote

It's 8pm. You have just hunkered down in the library when as you begin to study for an exam that's in a couple of days, your screen goes blank. Dark. Nothing. You freak out. The next day you go to the local Apple store/ Best Buy. Everything is gone.  The exam is tomorrow morning at 9am. Your worst nightmare is now a reality. But, if I were you, all I would do is go to the nearest computer with internet (hello every computer) and log on to Evernote...hello class notes.
This is why I take notes on Evernote. A desktop app, website, iPhone app, Android app, iPad app, Evenote is everywhere so it the perfect place to put important information. From class notes to confirmation emails for orders, grocery lists, recipes, sorority work, journal, Evernote is the all-in-one app..its the iPhone of apps.

When I open Evernote, this is what I see, my notebook stacks. See Fall 2011, in that stack is 3 notebooks with notes for 3 classes that allowed me to use a computer in class. On the left hand side, there is a list of recent notes, a quick, accessible way to get to that project you just stepped away from
You can tag each note with topics, add your location to it and even search within the note. Remember talking about behavior economy? Was that in your Survey class or your Political Psych class? Evernote will remember for you. 
Your notes sync almost every minute up to the cloud, so they can be accessed anywhere through your account.

I cannot express how great Evernote is....so check it out yourself! 