Greek Week: Why I Went Through

When I went off the college, just two short months after graduating from High School, people thought I was crazy. I'm from the Northeast, where colleges don't start until September and sororities just aren't a thing. No one else in my grade was going through recruitment and most people thought I was crazy for jumping right in a going through, rather than waiting a semester or two.
While everyone at home thought I was crazy, once on campus, going through recruitment was the norm. It's just what girls did on campus. But my reasons for going through aren't just because almost everyone else did. I was looking for something. 
I go to school over 2,000 miles away from home. I have no family in Texas and I graduated from a school where my graduating class was 61 girls. Even though my school isn't huge, it sure felt big to me. 

I went through recruitment because I wanted, in all the chaos and transitioning that the first year of college entails, a place that I knew I belonged, where I knew I could find friends (but have them not be my only friends), a comfort zone. While the recruitment process is anything but comforting, especially in the south, by the end of the week, I knew that the chapter I was placed in would provide me a support system I would need so far from home.

So my suggestion to you ladies, if you are an incoming freshman, or perhaps older (which is fine), is that you go through, with an open mind. The girls you meet and the chapter that you will be in will provide an amazing support system that no other group in college can. While it isn't for everyone (and that is 100% totally fine) it is important to try it out, test the waters. 

Well, that's why I went through sorority recruitment. Actives, why did y'all go through? PNMs, why are you going through?