
Rain, Rain Go Away!

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away by pearlsandpolisci featuring knee high boots

Wow. Talk about rainy weather. Just as I was leaving my house to head into the campaign, the sky opened up, and a down-pour commenced. Thank goodness I checked the weather and was prepared with my rainy outfit. I love love love my raincoat from target-I've gotten an insane amount of compliments on it and it wasn't even that expensive. A great switch from the sorority windbreaker I typically wear during the rainy season. Paired with some standard Hunter rain-boots and a simple umbrella, I was all set to take on the day. 
As far as the campaigns go, things are getting busy (as they typically are) so I am all hunkered down in the office working away. I hope y'all have a wonderful week and are ready to take on any challenges you have!