Get in the Loop with Linkedin

I am a big fan of social media. I mean, most 20-somethings are. From life's staples such as Facebook, to my procrastination tool, Pinterest, I have always been a semi-early adapter to social networking. The one site I really hesitated getting involved with was LinkedIn. I didn't feel old enough or like I could even fill out a profile because well, I'm just a student. I know so many of my friends felt and still feel the way that I did, but I'm going to tell you that if you don't have a LinkedIn, you really should. 

But why? It's another thing to keep up with. While that is true, it does take time to set up and a small time to update, but its benefits outweigh the costs. When you are applying for a job, if you don't have a LinkedIn, your employer is probably looking at your Facebook. I don't know about you, but while there isn't anything on my FB that I wouldn't want my Grandma to see, my Facebook screams more "sorority girl"  than "Political Science student on the job hunt" and while I love my sorority, when I'm applying for an internship or job, my sorority isn't the first thing I want my future employer to know about me. LinkedIn is all about self-advocating and being proactive, letting those who search for you on Google, get to know you professionally before they do so personally. 

Not only is it a great way to be proactive online, connecting with your friends is really a different experience on LinkedIn. From actually seeing what your friends are doing in their prospective major, to having them endorse your skills and specialities, you are making your relationship with people more dynamic than your mutual love for Pitch Perfect etc.
You can check out my LinkedIn if you want 
sign-up for your own ASAP if you haven't already,